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5 Simple Ways to Improve your Gut Health in 2024

Maintaining a healthy gut is crucial for our overall well-being. And we need to take care of our gut because it affects our whole health. A healthy gut can boost your mood, make your immune system stronger, and keep your hormones in check. 

Now, as we're in the second month of the year 2024, let's get motivated to make some changes in our diet and lifestyle and create new healthy habits for a healthy gut microbiome. 

In this blog post, we will explore practical and easy ways to support your gut health without diving into complex strategies or trends. These simple and effective diet and lifestyle changes can make a whole lot of difference in your gut microbiome health, especially if you're currently dealing with gut health issues.

That being said, this is how can you improve your gut health in 2024:

Tip #1 - Diversify Your Plate with 30 Plants a Week

According to the American Gut Study, which is the largest published study on the human microbiome, individuals who consume over 30 different types of plant foods per week (including fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds) have a much more diverse microbiome compared to those who consume 10 or fewer different plant foods per week.

Ok, so what to eat for gut microbiome health then? 

Eating a variety of plants is a MUST if we're talking about a healthy gut and diverse microbiome. Aim to consume 30 different plant foods each week. Adding diversity foods and varying the plants you consume will give you the perfect environment your gut bugs need to thrive. 

Remember: diverse gut microbiome = less imbalance of gut bacteria, skin health issues, bloated tummy, mood swings, and hormone imbalances. 

Here's an example of 30 different plant a week list to inspire your next healthy meals to prep for the week or to incorporate in your gut microbiome diet plan:  

1. Kale

2. Brussels Sprouts

3. Apples

4. Carrots

5. Potatoes

6. Cabbage

7. Cranberries

8.  Onions

9. Broccoli

10. Cauliflower

11. Mushrooms

12. Spinach

13. Swiss Chard

14. Radishes

15. Winter Squash

16. Pears

17. Beets

18. Leeks

19. Parsnips

20. Turnips

21. Lentils

22. Chickpeas

23. Quinoa

24. Brown Rice

25. Barley

26. Oats

ea, right?

Tip #2 - Prioritize Quality Sleep for Gut Diversity and Optimal Health

Quality sleep is more than just rest! It's a key factor in our health game! Research shows that a more diverse gut microbiome is associated with better sleep quality (PMID: 31589627). 

Also, getting enough sleep is important for regulating hormones that affect appetite and digestion (leptin and ghrelin), which can impact the types of food we choose to eat and our overall digestive health. 

Make it a goal to sleep 7 hours a night to promote a healthy gastrointestinal tract, and consider using a sleep tracker to enhance your sleep routine. Sleep app I'm currently using is the SleepWatch app. So far so good! 

Focus on incorporating sleep hygiene strategies as well! So for your night routine, try to do:

  1. more reading before bed and less mindless scrolling on social media. 

  2. more things that calm you down and give you a peaceful environment.

  3. more lighter foods instead of heavy and stimulating foods like anything with caffeine, spices such as pepper, turmeric, ginger, etc. 

Your sleep and gut health will thank you!

Tip #3 - Have a weight training workout plan for a happy gut!

Weight training is great for keeping your weight in check, which in turn can have a positive impact on your gastrointestinal health. Did you know that extra weight –especially in the belly– can create digestive issues?

Strength training also has a positive impact on metabolism. It helps optimize energy consumption and can potentially improve insulin sensitivity. It supports a balanced microbiome and helps regulate blood sugar levels as well, which can be beneficial for a healthy gut. 

Finally, resistance training relieves stress. YAY! Did you know that stress has the potential to disrupt the balance of gut bacteria and lead to inflammation? Therefore, regular weight training reduces stress and improves gut health.

Find an activity you enjoy and make it a habit to move your body regularly. That's a healthy lifestyle choice worth committing to! 

Tip #4 - Natural Herbs for Gut Health are your best friends

There are plenty of herbs in nature that can really help improve your gut health. Incorporate herbs like ginger, chamomile, peppermint and fennel into your routine.

Not to mention that there are tons of benefits to regularly drinking tea that go beyond gut health. Take sleep and anxiety, for example. Nature has herbs for that too! I love adding valerian, lemon balm, or passionflower into my daily healthy routine. 

I love and enjoy incorporating these herbs into my daily tea ritual.One of the things that comes to mind when I think about herbal teas is liver health support. And cultivating this healthy habit not only provides a sense of self-care but also aids in supporting your gut health and the natural detoxification process in our body. 

* Medical disclaimer: This is not medical advice. Consult with your healthcare practitioner before implementing any new herbs into your diet. 

Tip #5 - Listen to Your Body – What Works for You?

It's important to be mindful of how your body reacts to various foods and habits, as everyone's body is different. Try different combinations of food and activities to discover what makes you feel your absolute best. 

Understanding your body enables you to make tailored decisions that have an amazing effect on your gut health. Trying incorporating a mindful eating journal and constantly tracking how you feel after consuming an X,Y, Z food is a good start! 

For mindful eating, I like to use some prompts. Let's explore them to help you navigate the practice of mindful eating:

  1. Take a moment to acknowledge the effort and care that went into preparing your meal before you start eating. Take a moment to think about the ingredients, their vibrant colours, varied textures, and the nourishment they provide for your body.

  1. As you take your first bite, pay attention to how your senses are changing. Let's take a moment to appreciate the different flavours, textures, and temperatures. Slowly chew your food and enjoy each bite to get the most out of its flavour.

  1. Appreciate the process behind sourcing your food and how it makes its way to your plate. Let's take a moment to appreciate the hard work and dedication of the farmers, producers, and all those who play a role in bringing these nourishing elements to your table. Be thankful for the abundance you possess.

  1. Try incorporating mindful breathing into your eating routine. Just remember to take a few deep breaths before you begin and make sure to continue breathing consciously between bites. It's great to have something that keeps you grounded in the here and now and stops you from gobbling down your food.

  1. Pay attention to how much you eat. Pay attention to the cues your body gives you when it comes to hunger and fullness. Try to minimize distractions such as screens or reading materials so you can better tune in to your body's signals for when it's had enough.

  1. Create a pleasant and peaceful eating environment to enhance your dining experience. Take a seat at a table, remove any distractions, and fully immerse yourself in your meal without any external interruptions. This promotes a more engaging and pleasant dining experience.

  1. Think about how healthy your food is. What impact does it have on your overall health and well-being? Being aware of how your choices impact your food consumption can help you make more thoughtful decisions about what you eat.

  1. Think about any feelings you might have about the food you eat. Do certain dishes bring back memories or remind you of certain things? Embrace and accept these emotions, letting them add depth to your eating experience



Supporting your bowel health doesn't require drastic measures! Small and consistent changes can lead to HUGE improvements in your gut health. As you start on this journey, consider assessing your gut health through a gut health assessment. This can provide insights into potential imbalances and guide you in tailoring your approach to optimal gut well-being.

Follow all of these tips and you are well on your way to a healthy gut! 

Ready to take charge of your gut health?

Start by assessing the state of your gastrointestinal system and detoxification process. Check out The Gut Health Assessment HERE and take the first step towards a healthier gut in 2024! :) Gut health is key for you to have optimal quality of life. 

MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: This content is provided for informational and educational purposes only. This information is not meant to offer medical advice or replace the guidance and treatment provided by a healthcare practitioner. We recommend that all readers of this content seek advice from their qualified health professionals for any specific health inquiries.



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